The British Mule Society does not endorse particular products, we are just giving owners information about resources that some mule owners have found helpful as it can be particularly difficult to kit out a mule compared to a horse.
Tack American treeless western saddles, offer import options for UK owners although import duty can be expensive! Treeless saddles successfully used on mules, again import options for UK owners All Saddle Solutions are a UK based company who have successfully fitted riding mules.
Feed Designed with donkeys and mules in mind, suitable as bucket feed or total hay replacer for older mules Designed with donkeys and mules in mind, suitable for older mules who need that little extra
Trainers Ben Hart has a wealth of experience with mules and donkeys. Ben works with The Donkey Sanctuary and also provides clinics and individual training for equine owners Home of Meredith Hodges, renowned US mule and donkey trainer. Lots of useful information and online store Pat Parelli's system of natural horsemanship has been used successfully with many mules. Promoting a holistic approach to horse (and mule) training. Pat Parelli started out by training mules. Dawn Patrick, succesfully working with mules in North Wales. The Donkey Sanctuary regularly run donkey and mule care and behaviour courses throughout the UK, useful for new owners.