Why not become a member of the British Mule Society?
We are a very friendly and helpful society, you do not need to own a mule to join just enthusiasm and a love for these wonderful long-eared equines. By joining you will be helping the society to continue in its work of educating and promoting a better understanding of mules.
Members receive:
- Our publication 'The Mule'.
- Free Entrance to the Mule Weekend (annual events where mules and mule owners / enthusiasts meet for fun and friendly showing, agility, hacks and much more)
- Free advertising on BMS website for 'Mules for Sale', 'Mules Wanted' and 'Other Items For Sale'
- Helpful and friendly advice and the opportunity to meet other mule owners in your area
- The opportunity to get involved with representing The British Mule Society at shows and events. Mules are taken to Your Horse Live, Blenheim, The Malvern Show and many others, members are welcome to get involved and help promote these wonderful creatures!

( & click the same symbol at the top of that page when it opens to download)
Annual Membership Form
Welcome to the British Mule Society. Please
complete and return with payment to the above address. Entrance fee £2 and
appropriate membership fee are payable on joining, and subscriptions are then
payable on 1st February each year.
Cheques payable to The British Mule
Society or contact helen for bank details.
(In case of members joining after 31st of
October, their initial payment will cover the period until 31 January in the
year after) Any queries speak to Helen 07885107346
(circle) New Renewal TOTAL £
fee £2
Printed Journal UK £20
Printed Journal Overseas £25 Corporate £50
Electronic Journal £15
Cheques Payable to British Mule Society, For Bank details contact Helen.
Also you can click the donate button at the bottom of this page - once you have logged in please add the membership type and any contact information by clicking "Add special instructions to the seller:" and putting them in the box that opens.
See our page about Helen for more information.