About Us

Welcome to the web site of the British Mule Society website. We hope you will find it both interesting and informative.

The British Mule Society is a friendly society made up of both mule owning and non-mule owning members who are joined by a common bond – a love and appreciation of mules.

We hope that this site will give you an insight into the workings of the British Mule Society, its activities and to its members, but more importantly their mules – that wonderful intelligent creature that joins us all together.

So please click onto the various headings to access more information.  

We have some new sections including
 'For Sale', 'Tack and Equipment', an updated 'Links' page and most importantly our members blog where we hope you'll enjoy reading about what mules in the UK get up to and perhaps how you can get involved.

Do contact us if you have questions or if you'd like to join us, we are an active society dedicated to all things long eared - we'd love to hear from you! 

The British Mule Society is a Private Company Limited by Guarantee
Reg. No. 3880721, England
Registered Charity No. 1089542
Hon. Patron – John Parker