Wednesday, 30 May 2012

What Can Mules Do?

Please see our updated page, 'What Can Mules Do' to see some wonderful new pictures of beautiful UK mules enjoying themselves in varied ways around the country.  If you haven't already got a mule you'll want one when you see these pictures! 

There are also updated links in the 'Supplies and Trainers' and some new piccies.

A big thank you to all the mule owners that allowed us to share their pictures.

Monday, 28 May 2012

New Site!

Welcome to our new blog / website!  The site is under construction so please view it as a work in progress....  I will be updating the 'What Can Mules Do' page with lots more info and pictures, links will be expanded and hopefully soon there will be a method for you to join us online.

The intention is to use the blog to let everyone know about events that welcome mules, news that mule enthusiasts will enjoy and anything else that we think will appeal to any mule fan.  Please let us know if you have events to add or contact us for anything else (see Contact Us page).

Enjoy reading and please come back soon, we will be updating regularly, you can even sign up to receive our posts by email on the right hand tool bar.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Bishop Mule Days!

Bishop Mule Days is underway!  22 - 27 May, 2012

See for more info.

An event for every mule lover, definitely one for the bucket list!  See website for photos,updates and fun.

Mule Classes at Scottish Grass Sickness Show!

Sunday 3rd June - Bogles Field, Essendy Road, Blairgowrie, Perthshire.

Please support this event, new for 2012 In Hand and Working Donkey and Mule Classes (Driving, Pack, Ridden or Long Reined)

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Inviting All Mule Film Stars!

***** British Mule Society 2nd and 3rd June 2012**** is having its annual show and camp in Shoreham Kent this year.

Please come along with or without your mule. Non members welcome.
We are hoping to have quite a variety of mules down to a mini mule and also an American Mammoth donkey!  Also we are expecting some filming and pictures to be taken of our UK mules to go towards a worldwide documentary on mules.

There will be a show format with rosettes to be won. However the aim is to have a good time and share mule knowledge.

It is a friendly society and needs your fresh ideas and love of mules, to help us give you what you want from a society!

Please support us, there is no other society like it in the UK!
For more details and to book your place please call Jacqui on 01959 523801